Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Today's blogger behind the third door is:

Harriet of Where Is Harriet? Harriet's job is just about as removed from fashion as mine. She tells us on her blog: “I believe in lots of photos, a small dollop of culture and a healthy amount of shopping.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Harriet’s blog is definitely filled with plenty of pretty photos. I always look forward to Harriet’s Lazy Sunday Links which have helped to discover new blogs and fabulous features. I also love Harriet’s simple and chic style which she showcases in her Daily Outfit posts.

I asked Harriet:
How long have you been blogging and why did you first start?

I wrote my first ever blog post in September 2008, so over two years ago now! Although after that I sort of forgot about my blog for about six months so I'd say I started blogging on a regular basis in April 2009, so I'm a little way off my 'real' two year blogiversary yet. I 'm not a very creative person, so I was looking for creative outlet which didn't involve me needing to be able to draw, sing, act or play an instrument! I'd been reading fashion blogs for a while and eventually I just thought 'I'm going to try that too!'

What inspires you? 

Other bloggers inspire me. I read sooo many blogs now everyday, and I get so much inspiration from their writing, outfits and photography, even their baking! What really inspires me is when bloggers make their everyday lives extra special. Life really is what you make of it, and the blogs I love to read are the not the ones with crazy expensive wardrobes, or access all areas fashion week passes and the best giveaways, but the ones that turn something ordinary into something beautiful.

What do you get up to when you’re not blogging? 

It's not very glam I know, but I'm training to be a chartered accountant at the moment, so more often than not I'm at work or revising for exams! Something's got to keep me in shoe money after all... Other than that I tend to spend time with my friends and family, I read a lot, eat a lot, watch a lot of bad American TV, spend copious amount of time on twitter, the usual!

What three things are top of your Christmas list this year?

I've got my heart set on a Lulu Guinness handbag, so that's number one. I also want a big fluffy grandad style jumper to keep me warm, as it's been so cold recently, and lots of fashion books with delicious photos to gaze at.

Christmas is all about family and traditions, what traditions do you have for Christmas? 

My family isn't really into Christmas in a big way, so we tend to have a very chilled out Christmas. One of our more unusual traditions is that instead of having a big home cooked meal on Christmas day we go out to a restaurant. None of us really enjoy cooking that much, and it seems unfair that one person has to spend all of Christmas day morning slaving away in the kitchen, so by eating out it means we can all have a nice relaxing morning and then get a much better meal than we would be able to cook at home anyway!

Thank you to Harriet for answering my questions and being involved in the advent calendar blogger profiles. Remember to check out her blog. And you can see the past two blogger profiles here.

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