Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Funnie!

Ah ah where is everybody? Come on, I expected more readers on my blog now or are all of you still "distracted?". Anyway sha, I thought to share a comment I posted on LondonBuki's blog, I found it quite hilarious - you may not obviously but I've let my guard down today. It's Friday yay! Have a good weekend.....AND PLEASE READ THE PREVIOUS POST AH AH, NO COMMENTS.....or just 3 comments, what is that about?!!

--My gist is, two evenings ago, some elderly lady on the underground, circle line was sat beside me, waiting for the train and I was reading the metro, I had browsed a few articles and came across one where some woman in wales boiled her puppy in hot water and then dumped it. I was about to turn page oh then the woman got up went to check something and came back and just said out loud that can I imagine the story?

Bla bla bla just ranting on, I looked at her and smiled, first cos I felt a bit sick after work and had to suck on a sweet and I really didnt feel like talking and mayb I'm not the friendliest or wasnt the friendliest on that day but she just randomly startedly talking as well, indescretely too so I just smiled back.

Then she had a go at me oh!! How we Londoners are uptight bla bla and she's not from around here and when people told her Londoners don't talk to each other she wondered why. She was going on so much ehn that I got a bit flushed (as in from where to where did this woman drop from please) so I turn to her and say in the most useless accent ever: Excuseh meh i no know
English sorry!

HAHAH as in i had to get myself out of that one, is she mad?! From where to where? Someone cannot be in a trance again underground after work. After that she now kept quiet and was like ohhh you dont speak English, how do u get around then, to work and all? I just eyed her and continued reading my paper (didn't she hear that I don't speak English?)

hehehe God forgive me!!--

Have a Good Weekend!!!!

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