Thursday, February 15, 2007

Suzy Peaches' Fruit Basket (Issue #2)

Hello my lovely readers its Suzy Again here to brighten your day.

How did you spend your valentines? – Feel free to leave notes on your Valentines Experience.
But today I’m particularly asking about something not as cheery, it is a question/situation we have all been confronted with at some stage in life.

How Do You Mend A Broken Heart?

I dedicate this to Sue who is my Inspiration for this entry - Enjoy

Today I am asking in the words of Reverend Al Green “How do you mend a broken heart?” What do you do when your life if blitzed, smashed and shaken all in an instant. Please forgive me for being so blunt and unappetisingly honest and excuse the jaded scepticism that may creep in between the lines. But some of us have not been so lucky in love and have at least once been faced with the devastation and hell of abandonment made worse by the sense of betrayal. Not to mention the loss of what you imagined could be a glorious future. I glibly liken heartbreak to bereavement primarily because I feel both situations invoke process of grieving.

If any of you have survived it please tell me how you came through it, how were you able to make right your world, how you were able to move on. Everyone says time is the greatest healer and you will eventually get through it. I stand partisan to the belief that we really never get through it but rather simply get over it.

I ask again how do you mend a broken heart? How do you emerge from the cocoon after a failed relationship? You know what it is like you can’t sleep, you can’t breath and you heart misses a beat as it tries to pump blood from one chamber to the other because it is BROKEN.

I know this free falling feeling only too vividly. But today I’m seeking a way out so I can solider on down this bumpy road to my place of rest where I can truly feel whole and healed. I’m taking notes today on what you have done to get yourself through this. Tell me is it much worse if you hadn’t seen it coming. How do you bear the complete shock of being told by your partner that it’s all over when you were blissfully unaware that there was anything at all untoward in the relationship?

Let's start the healing ………….

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