Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Behind the sixteenth door of the virtual advent calendar is:

 V, from Grit and Glamour. I found Grit and Glamour through IFB originally and indeed I think IFB's Jeninne said it best about V: "Aside from her lovely and wearable style, beautiful photos, great life and style tips and pop culture, she’s also contributed great posts to IFB. We love her enthusiasm, knowledge and belief in the community."

V is stylish with an eclectic wardrobe without her outfits looking like something you couldn't wear yourself. She is a great role model for any blogger looking advice and is approachable and always willing to help.

Here are her answers to my questions:

How long have you been blogging and why did you first start?

I've been blogging since 2006. I’m a writer and a fashion lover—and a gadget girl—so it was something that intrigued me, blogging. It felt like the perfect medium for me. Cruriousity, more than anything, prompted me to explore it.

What inspires you?

My niece and nephew. New collections on the runways. New technology. Underdogs.

What do you get up to when you’re not blogging?

Nothing unusual. I spend time with my husband. I read. I shop.I see movies and concerts. I love trying new restaurants and traveling when I can.

What three things are top of your Christmas list this year?

I'd really love a new lens for my DSLR, an iPad, and more over-the-knee boots.

Christmas is all about family and traditions, what traditions do you have for Christmas?

We've always done stockings and stocking stuffers, even when we've imposed a no-gift rule. I love looking for stocking stuffers. I always look forward to Christmas Day lunch with my family, which includes mimosas while opening gifts, prime rib, au jus, and mashed potatoes. My mom puts on a feast!

Thank you so much V for being involved and answering my questions. Remember to check out Grit and Glamour this festive season. Check out the previous blogger profiles here and come back tomorrow for another.

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