Sunday, July 31, 2011
Obama votes 'present' (or worse) on Israel's security
Every time a talking head from the Obama administration gets up to talk about Israel, the first thing they tell us is how 'security cooperation' is better than ever under Obama. While that may be true if one defines 'security cooperation' as the dollar value of weapons sold to Israel, it's an out and out lie when one looks at the bigger picture. Is President Barack Obama committed to Israel’s
Peres says, Netanyahu hints: Assad must go
President Shimon Peres says flat out, Assad must go. And Prime Minister Netanyahu hints at it. But will they do anything about it? Israeli politicians, while preferring not to interfere too vocally in the internal affairs of Arab states, have, when asked, made clear that they prefer to have democratic neighbors rather than dictatorial ones, both for the sake of human rights in the Arab world,
Will Barak bow to Erdogan too?
Ehud Barak continues to advocate apologizing to Turkey. Isarel's defense minister outlined the formulation, which would have Israel apologize to Turkey for "mistakes made, if there were any" in exchange for Turkey barring legal action against the Israeli troops involved, to reporters on July 28. Barak had spent the day in meetings with National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Secretary of State
Ehud Barak,
Mavi Marmara,
Palmer Commission
Egypt-Israel gas pipeline attacked for third time this month
For the third time in the month of July, and the fifth time in 2011, the Egyptian gas pipeline to Israel was attacked on Saturday. This time it wasn't even running. After the attack on the pipeline and a separate weekend attack on a police station in the port town of El-Arish, Egyptian security sources told Israel Hayom that the new government in Cairo was losing control over part of the
The Oslo Syndrome
What happens when people start to believe that depending upon the cause, terrorism might be okay?Here's an interview done by Australian television with Adrian Pracon, a survivor of the Utoya Island attack, and the country secretary of Norway's Labor party. The key part is around the 11:00 mark, but if you miss it, don't worry, because I've reproduced a summary of it below.Let's go to the
Oslo bombing,
Oslo syndrome,
Utoya massacre
Anche l'European Space Policy Institute apre agli UFO

A questo gruppo di scienziati e tecnici partecipa anche l'ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana).
Tra i compiti di questo istituto c'è quello di scrivere studi scientifici e convogliare pareri di esperti, i quali hanno il compito - a medio e a lungo termine - di giustificare le decisioni (in termini di priorità) nel contesto spaziale e politico d'Europa e sviluppare strategie e posizioni.
E gli UFO hanno fatto la loro apparizione - anche - in questo contesto. E precisamente nel documento "ESPI Perspectives N°43 January 2011".
In un articolo di 12 pagine, in lingua inglese, dal titolo "UFO's and Exogenous Intelligence Encounters" e scritto da Philippe Ailleris (fondatore dello UAP Observations Reporting Scheme) si parla della problematica degli "Unidentified Flying Objects" e degli IR (Incontri Ravvicinati) in un contesto razionale, ma non ridimensionante e censorio.
Un documento importante, dal punto di vista scientifico e strategico, che si aggiunge alla moltitudine di altri "files" che ormai, da qualche anno a questa parte, sono all'ordine del giorno.
Ecco qui tradotta la conclusione del testo in questione:
"Cinquant'anni dopo l'inizio dell'esplorazione spaziale, una delle principali e affascinanti questioni scientifiche rimane senza risposte: se la vita extraterrestre esiste nell'Universo. In uno spiccato contrasto, la credenza in intelligenze esogene e la presenza di esseri extraterrestri nel nostro ambiente è divenuta un fenomeno culturale diffuso alle fine degli anni 40 (ndr del Novecento). L'ipotesi che avvistamenti di Fenomeni Aerospaziali Anomali potessero forse rappresentare visite di astronavi extraterrestri ha generato grande interesse e invaso la coscienza moderna su scala mondiale, e sicuramente continuerà ad essere così per il prossimo futuro. Indipendentemente dalla spiegazione (o spiegazioni) finale per quanto riguarda la natura del fenomeno UFO, la sua influenza sul perseguimento delle esplorazione spaziali e sulla grande ricerca di vita extraterrestre diventa non trascurabile. Anche se al momento non ci sono prove scientifiche di un origine extraterrrestre del fenomeno UFO, per varie ragioni resta importante per noi, per tenerne traccia e continuare a studiare tutti i rapporti di eventi anomali. Primo, la presenza sulla Terra di dispositivi di origine esogena potrebbe rassomigliare ad anomalie nella nostra atmosfera. In secondo luogo, la continua analisi di eventi anomali potrebbe fornirci una nuova comprensione della natura della Fisica. Infine, ogni analisi di eventi atmosferici inspiegabili o percezioni aeree inusuali potrebbe portare ad una comprensione più profonda del nostro pianeta e la sicurezza dei viaggi aerei. Inoltre, e soprattutto, la controversia UFO ci fornisce preziose informazioni sulla nostra società e il suo modo di pensare, ci incoraggia a mantenere un atteggiamento di umiltà e scientifica apertura mentale, sempre cauta per via della nostra presunzione antropocentrica. Indubbiamente, la diretta, convincente ed inequivocabile prova dell'esistenza di intelligenze extraterrestri sarebbe la più straordinaria scoperta nella storia dell'Umanità. Tuttavia, c'è ancora molto da imparare sulla strada che va verso questo obiettivo".
Traduzione a cura di Antonio De Comite
Documento della ESPI in pdf (clicca qui)
Ufo e Militari,
Ufo e Scienza
Time for Israel to end Oslo
Mudar Zahran, a Palestinian writer and academic from Jordan, who now resides in the UK as a political refugee, says it's time for Israel to end the Oslo Accords. For the past several decades, the PLO leadership seem to have been trying to grab whatever it could get in negotiations, using the "ceiling of the last negotiation as the floor of the next," and pocketing whatever concessions it could
This is no Arab spring
There's been talk that has called Israel's 'housing protests' our 'Arab spring.' Raffe Gold says that's just not so. The protestors who are turning out in increasing numbers throughout the country are protesting for their livelihoods. They are able to stand free and tall and shout at the government; they feel their representatives are derelict in their duty to ensure a basic standard of living
Arab spring,
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Who will sue Ahmed Tibi?
Under the terms of Israel's new anti-boycott law, those who call for a boycott of the Jewish state may be sued for damages. Former political adviser to Yasser Arafat and current 'Israeli Arab' MK Ahmed Tibi (pictured here with his good friend Muammar Gadhafi) has called for a boycott of Israel. Will anyone step to the plate to sue him? Arab MK Ahmed Tibi (Balad) has called on the world to
Ahmed Tibi,
Alex Miller,
anti-boycott bill,
Muammar Gaddafi
Germany still in Durban III conference
Germany, which admits to having a special duty to protect the Jewish state, still has not withdrawn from the Durban III conference. When asked if Germany planned to participate in Durban III, a German Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told The Jerusalem Post on Friday that the federal government “will decide on its participation in the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the international racism
Angela Merkel,
Durban III,
Ayalon says he's shocked, but you won't be
In a press release earlier today, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon says he's shocked that 'Palestinian' chief negotiator bottle washer Saeb Erekat won't debate him. Press Release (Communicated by the Bureau of Deputy Foreign Minister Ayalon)Dep FM Ayalon Surprised at PA Negotiator Erekat's Rejection of a Public Debate: "The Palestinians are only able to debate unilaterally"Today (Sunday 31st
Danny Ayalon,
Judea and Samaria,
Saeb Erekat
Israel's unpatriotic protesters
A Right-wing NGO that was going to participate in Saturday night's 'housing' protest in Tel Aviv - the largest in the country - pulled out because the organizers refused to include our national anthem. My Israel offered on Friday to join the protest, on condition that the national anthem would be sung. However, on Saturday night, it announced that housing protest leader “Daphni Leef’s people
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Hillary Clinton's reformer murders 121 in Hama
Troops acting on behalf of the man whom Hillary Clinton called a 'reformer' and 'capable of change' four months ago massacred at least 121 people in Hama on Sunday (ignore the number in the video).Let's go to the videotape.Notice that in Syria. when they start firing, everyone ducks for cover.Here's another one. Let's go to the videotape.Were they firing from the minaret of a holy mosque? Can you
Why you shouldn't back the 'tent city' protesters
In an earlier post, I discussed the 'housing crunch' protesters and gave some thoughts on how those of their demands that are legitimate might be handled. But you should all know that I don't support the protesters. Here's why . Saturday evening we watched Channel 2 news anchor Yonit Levy turn into Marxist activist Rosa Luxemburg and compete with protest organizer Daphni Leef in encouraging and
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Morto l'ufologo ed ex astronauta Brian O'Leary

Ne da notizia il sito del magazine brasiliano "Revista UFO".
Fu anche un acceso sostenitore della presenza extraterrestre qui sulla Terra e il suo rapporto con le tecnologie potenzialmente rinnovanti. Partecipò anche a dibattiti sulla controversa "faccia di Marte" ed era un attivista del cosiddetta movimento "Esopolitico".
Sentite condoglianze da tutti i componenti del Centro Ufologico Ionico
Maggiori informazioni qui
Video: Glenn Beck on why you shouldn't call it the 'West Bank'
Here's Glenn Beck on his radio show talking about why you shouldn't call Judea and Samaria the 'West Bank.'Let's go to the videotape.Spot-on.
Judea and Samaria
The 'Palestinians': Their greatest secret
Youtube removed this movie for "shocking and disgusting content". We agree, the content is shocking and disgusting, but it is reality. There is no reason for the video to have been removed. Please share with EVERYONE!Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Lance K).
Nazis celebrate Hitler's birthday, Communists celebrate Stalin's and Democrats celebrate....
The Nazis celebrate Hitler's birthday, the Communists celebrate Stalin's. And the Democrats? This is an email sent out on Saturday by the Democratic National Committee:As someone who got his start in community organizing, President Obama understands the importance of grassroots action.That's why I hope you can join me in marking his 50th birthday next week in a way that I know he would
Barack Hussein Obama
Istanbul holds 'Palestinian culture' week
In yet another indication that Turkey isn't going to become our best friend anytime soon, there was a 'Palestinian culture' week held in Istanbul from July 21-30. The 4th Palestine Culture Week is getting under way Thursday in two Turkish cities, İstanbul and the southeastern city of Şanlıurfa, news agencies reported on Wednesday.A series of cultural events aimed at strengthening ties between
What Was I Wearing: lazy weekend outfit made good
I don't know about you but when my weekend activities consist of a quick dash to the supermarket and petrol station and changing beds and hoovering and cleaning and many many more boring things like that besides, I don't really feel like making too much of an effort with my outfit. Or my make-up. Or my hair. But even a pair of jeans and a plain tee don't have to be plain and boring, just add a little bling in the form of a statement necklace, like this one from Marks and Spencer:
And a pair of patent pumps, like these from Bloch (via Spartoo):
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marks and spencer,
what was i wearing
Turkish military's mass resignations show the end of Turkish military's role in government
The resignations of Turkey's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commanders of the Army, Navy and Air Force, may symbolize the end of the Turkish military's power in the country's government. “This is effectively the end of the military’s role in Turkish democracy,” said Asli Aydintasbas, a columnist for the Turkish daily newspaper Milliyet. “This is the symbolic moment where the first
'Starving' Gazans break kite-flying record
The poor 'starving' kids in Gaza have broken a world record - their seventh in the last year - by flying 15,000 kites at once (and you thought they couldn't afford them).Let's go to the videotape. It's the last item on the newscast.Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Gaza plenty,
Ridiculous: 'Social activist' says Netanyahu will start war to get protesters off the street
This is one of the more ridiculous things I've seen recently. A 'social activist' interviewed by Russia Today suggests that Prime Minister Netanyahu is going to start a war to get the protesters off the street. You've got to be kidding.Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Don of a New Day).She seems to have a hard time shutting up to hear the interviewer's questions, doesn't she?It probably goes
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Nice truck you have there
This is a captured Palestinian garbage truck from Gaza .The truck is set up to fire 9 Kasem rockets and then drive off innocently.The note pasted on the drivers door says "In case of traffic violations, please contact the Palestinian Authority".The Israelis have evidence of ambulances and emergency vehicles set up the same way.Doesn't it make you "warm and fuzzy" all over knowing that Obama
Egyptian cleric: Conflict is religious but those who came to Israel aren't Jews
How's this for an inflammatory video.Let's go to the videotape.
Islamic anti-Semitism
Shaath: We'll never accept two states for two peoples
I mentioned this video in an earlier post. Here's the interview with 'moderate' 'Palestinian' Nabil Shaath.Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Stefan W).
Nabil Sha'ath,
two-state solution
AKP should account for dead Turks before demanding an apology from Israel
Turkish writer Emin Colasan asks Turks to imagine what would happen if an Israeli ship tried to aid Kurdistan (something that has been suggested a number of times over the last year) and then comes up with this (Hat Tip: Simone B): We can't know whether Israel will apologize or not. However nine were killed on that ship, and they were declared "martyrs" by the Islamists.Martyrs or not, who is
Mavi Marmara,
Turkish obsession with Israel
Fatah Youth participated in Norwegian summer camp
It turns out that the Fatah Youth organization had participated for the last 15 years in the Norwegian summer camp at Utoya where 76 teenagers were murdered last week. But the 'Palestinians' weren't there last Friday. The Fatah Youth group had taken part in the summer camp in the past on the Island of Utoya, near Oslo, where over 90 people were reportedly killed in a shooting spree on the Island
Fatah Youth,
Utoya massacre
Lovely Links
This week, I've been reading...
Clockwise from top left: The Beauty Department: How to create coloured dip-dyed hair (via The Glossy Guide); Cotton and Curls: Yellow Gathered Grecian Dress Tutorial; Simply Breakfast (via Where Is Harriet?); Dressing Table Inspiration from Into The Gloss; Bitchy Barbie over at Barbie of the Day; and Wayward Daughter: Half-moon nail tutorial.
What have you been reading this week?
Clockwise from top left: The Beauty Department: How to create coloured dip-dyed hair (via The Glossy Guide); Cotton and Curls: Yellow Gathered Grecian Dress Tutorial; Simply Breakfast (via Where Is Harriet?); Dressing Table Inspiration from Into The Gloss; Bitchy Barbie over at Barbie of the Day; and Wayward Daughter: Half-moon nail tutorial.
What have you been reading this week?
lovely links
Why does the truth bother the Jewish Left?
I've already discussed the significance of Danny Ayalon's video, asserting Jewish claims to Judea and Samaria, and I showed you the video here. On Thursday, Ayalon had a debate with Jeffrey Goldberg on Twitter. Goldberg objected to the video. Jonathan Tobin explains why. For Goldberg, the mere mention of Jewish rights (whose validity he later acknowledged during the course of the Twitter debate)
Time for Norwegians to learn a lesson?
Norwegian ambassador to Israel Svein Sevje told Maariv this week that 'Palestinian terrorism' against Israel is more justified than terrorism against Norwegians. Perhaps it's time for Norwegians to wake up and smell the coffee? This is from Alan Dershowitz. The causes of terrorism are multifaceted but at bottom they have a common cause: namely, a belief that violence is the proper response to
How many Israelis have left?
Yoav Karasenty and Shmuel Rosner debunk the claim that a million Israelis have left since the country attained its independence.We should start with this simple statement: There are not a "million missing Israelis." A study conducted under the auspices of our think tank, the Jewish People Policy Institute -- one that has not yet been released but will be published in a couple of weeks -- will put
TSA to use Israeli methods?
This is the first live post of the evening.Will the Transport Safety Administration in the US drop grope or strip in favor of using Israeli profiling methods? Well, maybe. TSA already has "behavior detection officers" at 161 airports nationwide looking for travelers exhibiting physiological or psychological signs that a traveler might be a terrorist. However, Pistole said TSA is preparing to
Israeli airport security,
strip or grope,
Iranian nuclear scientist was expert on triggering nuclear warheads
Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.This post is being written on Friday afternoon. Posting will be a bit sporadic on Saturday night, I have work to do and I will be spending the night sleeping in an isolation room with a friend's son who is undergoing a bone marrow transplant. Please pray for Moshe Aharon ben Leah Tzipora.Remember the Iranian scientist who was shot on Sunday? He was described
Darioush Rezaie,
Iranian nuclear program
Friday, July 29, 2011
Beauty Review: Dior Addict Lipstick
I'm sure you've seen the adverts starring Kate Moss for the new Dior Addict Lipsticks? Honestly, Kate Moss could probably sell me anything she advertised - I was a huge Rimmel fan during her time there. But now she is encouraging me to try something a little more luxurious and I'm happy to be easily led by the supermodel.
When I was passing through John Lewis one evening after work last week, I stopped to take a look at the Dior stand and before I knew it, I was in the make-up chair and having my face made up. I usually end up going home from a make-up trial session and removing every last drop of make-up from my face. I usually find that they have piled the make-up on and I look like one of those brides who walks down the aisle on her wedding day looking like the drag version of herself!! But not today. Not one bit. I loved the look I was given.
The minute my make-up man put the Dior Addict lipstick in Diorkiss (the shade that Moss wears in the advertising campaign) on I loved it. L-o-v-e-d. It is a wonderfully pigmented sheer lipstick and for the first time, I didn't hate a bright colour on me. Result. The consistency of the lipstick is a little like a lip gloss which means that it goes on easily but doesn't last for hours. But that only means you'll have to get out your beautifully packaged Dior lipstick to reapply!
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beauty review,
Norwegian Jews worry they will be blamed for Breivik
Norwegian Jews are expressing concern over the possibility that they could be blamed for last Friday's rampage by xenophobe Anders Behring Breivik. Yet even as they mourn along with their fellow countrymen, some Jews here are quietly expressing concern that the attack by a right-wing xenophobe who apparently sympathized with Israel may further mute pro-Israel voices in Norway, where anti-Zionist
Hypocrisy at the Security Council
A senior Israeli diplomat says that deep down, members of the Security Council are sympathetic to Israel's predicament with the 'Palestinians.' They're just not willing to say so in public. Contrary to popular belief, discussions and negotiations taking place behind-the-scenes in the UN Security Council are often sympathetic to Israeli positions on critical issues relating to the
LATMA tribal update: The tent protest and the poor; Israel apologizes to everyone
Here's the weekly LATMA update in which Israel apologizes to everyone and Israelis move into tents to protest... but leave the poor out of it (there's some music in this one so those of you avoiding music during the Three Weeks may want to use that mute button when the music comes on. The music runs from 3:36 to 6:11). The skit around the 9:04 mark is hysterical. If you don't get it, leave a note
Gaza expulsion,
housing crisis,
outrageous apologies
Fury in Lebanon: Belly dancer performs with Israelis
A Lebanese belly dancer who appeared on stage at a French music festival with an Israeli group, while holding Lebanese and Israeli flags, says that she cannot return to Lebanon due to threats to her life. Johanna Fakhry, 22, says she can’t return to her homeland following threats from her family and compatriots for appearing on stage with the band Orphaned Land in front of 90,000 fans at the
Johanna Fakhry,
Kobi Farhi,
Orphaned Land
Hariri indictment details released
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon has released details of the indictments in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri. Pre-trial judge Daniel Fransen ordered the lifting of confidentiality on the full names, aliases, biographical information, photographs and charges against the individuals named in the indictment, the tribunal said in a statement.The four men named in
US report: US embassy in Israel 'failed completely' in its PR efforts
A scathing report issued by the State Department's Office of the Inspector General says that the US embassy in Tel Aviv has 'failed completely' in its efforts to garner support for Obama administration policies. It also urges terminating the American loan guarantee program to Israel at the end of 2011. The report, which deals with the performance of the U.S. embassy in Israel, says American
Space cadet holding secret talks with 'Palestinians' to restart talks
Israel's favorite space cadet, who is supposed to hold an honorary and not a policy-making position, has been holding 'secret' talks with the 'Palestinians' in an effort to get them back to the negotiating table for the first time in two and a half years. Haaretz has learned that on Tuesday night, Peres held a long meeting with the chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat. The two went over
How much is a Security Council seat worth?
How much is a UN Security Council seat worth? Apparently Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard (pictured) believes that it's worth throwing Israel under the bus. And then there is Australia. On Thursday, Australian diplomats said they were going to stay in the negotiations. They believed the draft declaration was a good starting point and were hopeful about the future. What happened to
Visual Friend Friday: Where I Blog
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This is where I wish I blogged from. A beautifully organised workspace all of my own. When I saw this in last week's The Simply Luxurious Life's weekly newsletter, I fell in love (if you can fall in love with a desk!!).
We are currently in the process of house hunting to buy our first house. It is a long and slow process as we work out what we want from our first house and then work out the reality of what we can afford to want. Personally, I would like a little corner where I can set up a desk properly for my blogging. However we currently live in a rented two bedroom flat that we are fast outgrowing and so, this is where I blog:
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friend friday
Israel's history - a picture a day
You can find the blog here.
history lesson,
Jewish history
Will Israel apologize to Turkey or is it wishful thinking?
Defenseless defense minister Ehud Barak was in Washington this past week, where he was subjected to a full-court press by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and new Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to apologize to Turkey for allowing the IDF to defend itself during the Mavi Marmara incident last year. Barak, who was inclined to apologize in the first place, told a news conference in Washington
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summary of Alon Pinkas presentation at AAJLJ
Someone who was there sent me the following summary of Alon Pinkas' presentation to the AAJLJ on Thursday. - Stephen Greenwald, AAJLJ president made a brief statement recognizing the controversial nature of the event and disclaiming that it represents the views of the AAJLJ - he then introduced the J Street rep to introduce Pinkas…- Pinkas briefly discussed the J Street summer tour with the
The 'West Bank is occcupied' meme
If anyone ever claims to you that Israel's Supreme Court said that the 'West Bank' is occupied, here is how you should respond. The Israeli Supreme Court has never ruled that the West Bank is occupied. It has assumed it arguendo because the Israeli government decided in 1967 to grant residents of the West Bank all humanitarian protections in the laws of belligerent occupation as a matter of good
Judea and Samaria,
It's Islam, stupid!
You would think that it would not be a big deal - if we were going to have a 'two-state solution' - for each side to recognize the other's right to exist as what they are (or would de facto be). So why is Abu Mazen so insistent that he will not recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state? It's Islam, stupid. Though not found in the Qur’an, the obligation for the defense of Muslim lands
Whom the Arabs blamed for the 'Palestinian refugees'
Today, it's fashionable to blame Israel for creating the 'Palestinian refugee' problem, but in 1949, things were much different. Would you believe that no one blamed the Jews? The two largest Palestinian communities in the US are located in Dearborn Michigan and Jacksonville Florida. On December 15th, 1949 the Michigan Arab newspaper As Sabah (literally the Morning Tribune) published an editorial
Palestinian refugees,
War of Independence
Tel Avivians overcome
It's only been a week since I noted that with the granting of 60,000 tourist visas for 'Palestinians' this summer, Tel Avivians would have to scrounge for 'Palestinians' to 'import' illegally into their city for their own pleasure and for that of the international media. But give Tel Aviv credit. With at least half its denizens living in tent cities to protest the fact that the government isn't
History repeats itself
Tell me this isn't deja vu all over again. 70 years ago, the Times of London decided that there were 'moderate Nazis.'But meanwhile, back in the real world, do you remember when The Times (the London one of course) felt that Hitler was a moderate making concessions to ingratiate himself with the “radical” wing of his own Nazi party. Yes, you heard that right, upon implementing another plank
How a 'moderate Palestinian' sees peace
And you thought the term 'moderate Palestinian' was an oxymoron, didn't you? Well, here's an interview with the archetypal 'moderate Palestinian,' Nabil Shaath, courtesy of Barry Rubin, and let's see how he views peace with Israel. Nabil Shaath: The recognition of a [Palestinian] state…will make many things possible in the future. Eventually, we will be able to sign bilateral agreements with
Circumcision off the ballot in San Francisco
A San Francisco judge has ordered a measure that would place a ban on circumcision within the city limits off November's city ballot in San Francisco (Hat Tip: William Daroff via Twitter). San Francisco’s circumcision ban is officially off the November ballot, after a judge ruled Thursday that state law expressly preempts local jurisdictions from regulating health care professionals.A San
circumcision ban,
San Francisco
Hezbullah denies helping Assad
How unpopular is Bashar al-Assad? Unpopular enough that even Hezbullah is denying that it is helping him put down the uprising in his country. "Hezbollah vehemently denies accusations by some Syrian opposition members that it is helping to put down the protests in Syria and asserts that these allegations are untrue,” the Shi'ite group said in a statement quoted by AFP.The group claimed the
Bashar al-Assad,
Syrian uprising
'Palestinian refugees' - Human rights denied
Here's a video about 'Palestinian refugees' that you won't want to miss.Let's go to the videotape.
Palestinian refugees,
Megrahi's evidence 'worthless'
Lockerbie bomber Abdulbasset al-Megrahi, who was released nearly two years ago on the grounds that he was 'dying' and would be dead in three months, appeared on Libyan television on Wednesday night at a rally for Muammar Gadhafi.Let's go to the videotape.British Foreign Secretary William Hague has admitted that the 'evidence' that led to Megrahi's release was 'worthless.' THE medical advice which
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi,
Muammar Gaddafi,
Pan Am 103
All in the same day!!
Two long outstanding image issues for Pattaya have been resolved in the same day. Time will tell if the police and municipality have been successful this time or not:

The UN gets a message on Israel from Lazy Susan
President Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, Lazy Susan Rice, sent a loud and clear message to the United Nations by absenting herself from Tuesday's final session on the 'Palestinian' effort to unilaterally declare a 'state' and sending her deputy, Rosemary DiCarlo, instead: The Obama administration doesn't care about Israel. At the last open meeting of the UN Security Council prior to
Clinton wants Obama to veto foreign aid bill
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has asked President Obama to veto the foreign aid bill voted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee if it reaches him. In particular, she mentioned provisions cutting aid to the United Nations, and restricting aid to the 'Palestinians,' Egypt and Pakistan. Clinton said in a letter Tuesday that she would urge President Barack Obama to veto the bill if it
Why a circumcision ban might be good for the Jews
As many of you are already aware, San Francisco has an item on the ballot this year that would make performing a bris (circumcision) within the city limits a crime. Dennis Prager says it might be good for the Jews if that initiative passed. If the most left-wing major city in America starts arresting Jews who have their children circumcised there, some American Jews might awaken to the threat to
circumcision ban,
Oslo bombing,
San Francisco,
Utoya massacre
Who is less popular than Barack Obama?
Who is less popular among whom than Barack Obama is among Israelis (currently 12%)? Would you believe Jews among Turks? Guess what percent of Turks has a favorable opinion of Jews? I already told you it's less than 12%, which would be bad enough already, but come on now and take a guess. Would you believe 4% (Hat Tip: Joshua I)? And by the way, the Christians don't do much better. “Values” unveil
Have Your Say: Black or beige?
When I spotted these Esprit boots over at Spartoo, I knew they were just the thing for the transitional season (or summer, as we like to call it here in the UK!). But then I realised I had a dilemna... which colour? I can't really justify buying both pairs, so do I get black or beige?
Or alternatively, do you think they are ug-ly and I should get neither!!?
aw 2011,
have your say,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hezbullah's message to UNIFIL
Sorry for the light posting over the last 18 hours or so. It is likely to continue for another few hours.In an earlier post, I reported on a roadside bomb directed against UNIFIL's French troops on Tuesday night in which three (it's now been raised to six) troops were wounded. The IDF believes that the bombing was meant to send a message to UNIFIL. The bombing of a UNIFIL convoy in southern
´Afra Tafri´ Indian film being shot in Pattaya
Govinda and Mughda Godse will soon be seen in a film titled 'Afra Tafri'. It's a joint venture and is being produced by Krishan Chaudhary, Vipin Jain under the banner of Ikkon Films and Prashant Sharma's Goose Bumps Productions, shooting is currently on in full swing in Thailand's capital Bangkok and the beach city Pattaya from the last three weeks and two songs have also been recorded.
PLO Washington office to be shut if they pursue unilateral statehood?
The House Foreign Operations Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee has proposed shutting down the PLO's Washington office in the event that it unilaterally pursues 'statehood' in the United Nations. The bill, referred Wednesday by the foreign operations subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee to the full committee, for the first time restricts the broad presidential waiver that
Blogger Style Icon: Jessica, of What I Wore
I am hugely excited to introduce to you this week's Blogger Style Icon: Jessica, the girl behind the blog What I Wore and the recently published book of the same name.
Jessica is one of the original personal style bloggers who has posted her outfits every day on her tumblr blog since 2007. Her blog is a delight to "read", her style choices make it a gorgeous record of her everyday wardrobe:
I asked Jessica:
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blogger style icon,
style icon
Now Erdogan wants an apology from... Armenia?
If the World is willing to tolerate the lies and innuendo of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan regarding Israel, will they also tolerate it regarding Armenia? Erdogan, whose country committed genocide against the Armenians 90-100 years ago, murdering a million and a half of them in the process, is now demanding that Armenia apologize to Turkey! Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
PA claims US hasn't 'clearly rejected' their statehood bid
Not saying clearly "no" is just so Obama.... “We heard about their opposition through mediators,” Abbas told a PLO parley in Ramallah. “The leadership hasn’t received a clear American rejection of the idea to go to the UN. We don’t want a clash with America. We want to coordinate our positions with the world, including the US.”Abbas’s statement came despite the fact that senior PA officials who
Association of American Jewish Lawyers and Jurists hoodwinked into promoting anti-Israel positions?
For a group of lawyers, they certainly did not do their due diligence. Last week, Red Tulips sent me an invitation to an event being sponsored on Thursday by the Association of American Jewish Lawyers and Jurists. The American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (AAJLJ) PresentsEnsuring Israel's Security Through a Two-State SolutionA Conversation withAmbassador Alon PinkasWith a UN action
Supreme Court rules 'Jenin, Jenin' not defamatory
In March, Israel's Supreme Court suggested to 'Israeli Arab' filmmaker and actor Mohamed Bakri that he apologize to five IDF soldiers who had sued him for libel due to the way that the IDF was depicted in the 2003 film Jenin, Jenin.On Wednesday, the Supreme Court dismissed the case, ruling that the film was 'not defamatory' to the five soldiers. Ofer Ben-Natan, Doron Keidar, Nir Oshri, Adam Arbiv
Are you or your child an American citizen born in Jerusalem
I received the following via email.July 27,2011 25 Tammuz 5771 - LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD - on behalf of American citizens born in Jerusalem who are denied the right to have their country of birth – ISRAEL – listed as their place of birth on their U.S. passports. The case of
Gaza being blockaded... by Egypt
A Scottish aid convoy has been denied entry into Gaza... by Egypt. In an interview with Press TV, Dr. Hasan Nowarah, a peace activist for Justice for Palestine, and a member of the Scottish aid convoy stuck at the Rafah crossing, gives a detailed account of his travel to the Rafah border, and subsequent rejection to enter Gaza.Press TV: We'd like you to tell us more about your situation. Why have
Gaza blockade,
How to... wear flared jeans
This morning a new pair of bootcut jeans arrived in the post from asos.com - a recent spur-of-the-moment purchase that I'd forgotten I'd even made (got to stop doing that!). But then the inevitable question hit me: how will I wear my new purchase? So I turned to a few flare-lovers and good ol' Polyvore for some inspiration:
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4 people charged in New York with running drugs, weapons for Hezbullah, Taliban
Four people have been charged in New York with running drugs and arms for the Taliban and Hezbullah. The charges highlighted "the growing nexus between drug trafficking and terrorism," Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara told reporters.In the operation targeting Hezbollah, two of the men told people secretly working for the US anti-drug agency that they wanted to purchase anti-aircraft missiles
Iranian Kurds,
Turkish Kurds
'Palestinian' solidarity with the people of Norway
A new 'Palestinian' blog expresses solidarity with the people of Norway. My sympathy at the terrible loss of life in Norway extends especially to their left-wing politicians who thankfully dominate the country's political narrative. I have just heard one of their senior government members on the BBC news claim that, with the 'possible exception of the Beslan massacre', the Norway attack
Is the New Israel Fund behind the 'housing protest'?
This brief video (sorry, Hebrew only) is suggesting that there are a lot of issues other than housing behind the 'tent cities' springing up all over the country - and that the New Israel Fund is lurking behind the protests in a bid to undermine the Netanyahu government.Let's go to the videotape.Hmmm.
Israeli economy,
New Israel Fund,
tent city
Bangkok Music Marathon 2 - September 10th
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บัตรราคา 1,500 / 1,200 / 800 และ 500 บาท
House Appropriations Subcommittee conditions aid to 'Palestinians,' Egypt, Lebanon
On Wednesday, the US House Appropriations Subcommittee for Foreign Operations is scheduled to review the foreign operations budget for fiscal 2012. The budget provides over $3 billion in aid to Israel, but establishes conditions for aid to the 'Palestinians,' Egypt and Lebanon. It also contains $513 million for the Palestinian Authority, though in order to receive any of the money dedicated for
Kay Granger,
US foreign aid
Israel's 'Arab spring'?
You would never know it from reading my blog or from reading much of the English language online media, but the headlines in Israel for the last few days have nothing to do with the 'Palestinians' or the other Arabs or even with Norway. Most of the headlines of late deal with 'tent cities' that have been popping up all over the country in response to our housing shortage, an issue I discussed
Israeli economy,
your taxes at work
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Erekat calls to disband 'Palestinian Authority'
Former 'Palestinian' chief negotiator bottle washer Saeb Erekat has said that the 'Palestinian Authority' cannot function without a reichlet, and that if no reichlet is declared in September, the 'Palestinian Authority' should be disbanded. Erekat said that if the United States continued to stymie the Palestinian efforts to get a state recognized by the United Nations, the Palestinian Authority
IDF preparing for scenario where Syrian army backs border breachers
You might think that the Syrian army is too busy trying to retain Bashar al-Assad in power to bother with Israel right now. The IDF disagrees. After all, a confrontation with the Jooos would be a great distraction from Assad's troubles. And so the IDF is preparing for a scenario where Syrians try to breach their border with Israel (as happened in May) in September in connection with the UN vote
Your tax dollars at work paying terrorists
In a report to Congress, Palestinian Media Watch has confirmed what I reported previously, namely that the 'Palestinian Authority' is using American aid money to pay salaries to 'Palestinian' terrorists being held in Israeli prisons. But they have also quantified it: The 'Palestinian Authority' is paying over $5 million per month from US aid money to terrorists in violation of US law. In effect,
The tax benefits of working in Gaza
If you need to make a little extra money, you may want to consider the benefits of working for an NGO in Gaza. NGO's in 'Palestine' routinely pay triple what any local firm would pay. And if you happen to be in Gaza, that triple salary is also tax free. Various international NGOs working in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) have questioned a demand by the Hamas government in the Gaza
your taxes at work
Il falso UFO belga "non rimette in discussione gli altri casi"

Patrick Ferryn, presidente del Comité Belge d'Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux (COBEPS), considera che la foto falsa dell'UFO di Petit-Rechain (Verviers), scattata il 4 aprile 1990, non rimette in discussione l'ondata belga di oggetti volanti non identificati apparsi nei cieli a partire dal mese di novembre del 1989 e che durò per parecchi mesi.
La foto dell'UFO di Petit-Rechain fu il risultato di una bufala, così come ha confessato il suo autore al giornalista Samuel Ledoux a RTL TVI. Il presidente del COBEPS sottolinea che questa ammissione risolve definitivamente questo caso sul quale si erano interessati molti specialisti, tra cui un professore della Ecole Royale Militaire.
Lo stesso Patrick Ferryn tentò di dimostrare, senza successo, che quella foto era truccata.
Inoltre, il 29 novembre 1989, quattordici poliziotti nella regione di Eupen avevano osservato uno strano fenomeno nel cielo. Si parlò di UFO e 150 testimoni confermarono l'avvistamento dei poliziotti. I mesi successivi, altri fenomeni dello stesso tipo furono osservati nella regione di Liegi, nelle Brabant Wallon, a Bruxelles, nella regione della Louvière. Fu il sud del Belgio ad essere toccato dal maggior numero di avvistamenti di UFO.
Sintesi e traduzione a cura di Antonio De Comite
Ufo e Militari,
UFO nella Storia
When an IDF soldier points a gun at you
Last Thursday night, the New York Times Lede blog posted a video that had been put up on YouTube by B'Tzelem, an Israeli human rights organization. I'm going to flip the order and give you the description of the video first, and then the video itself. Then I have a comment to make after the video. Updated | Friday | 2:44 p.m. A video uploaded to YouTube by an Israeli human rights group on
IDF ethics,
IDF purity of arms,
Next war will be InMyBackYard
I have often discussed - albeit not recently - how Israel's government is much more willing to let Sderot get hit than they are willing to let Tel Aviv get hit. You see Sderot is NotInMyBackYard. Its population is mostly poor, Sfardi and less educated, while Tel Aviv's is wealthy (or middle class), Ashkenazi and highly educated. But in the next war with Gaza, says Deputy Defense Minister Matan
Katyusha rockets,
Tel Aviv
Norwegian ambassador to Israel justifies 'Palestinian' terrorism
If you love Israel, then I guarantee you that after you read this post, you won't feel sorry for Norway anymore. Svein Sevje said in an Israeli newspaper interview Tuesday that while the Norwergian bomb and gun rampages that killed 76 people and Palestinian attacks should both be considered morally unacceptable, he wanted to "outline the similarity and the difference in the two cases."
Time for Israel to declare "Checkmate," but Bibi promises not to revoke Oslo instead
Chess master Steven Goldberg argues that Israel has a golden opportunity to checkmate the 'Palestinians.' And it must take advantage of that opportunity. Ruthlessly. The Palestinians are about to make their worst blunder yet – one that is potentially fatal to their cause.Specifically, the Palestinian Authority, knowing that its leadership status is failing and that the clock is about to run out,
'Palestinians' tell UN they're 'ready' to govern themselves
The 'Palestinian Authority's envoy to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, told the Security Council on Tuesday that the 'Palestinians' are 'ready' to govern themselves. "With international political and financial support this plan has reached its objectives as acknowledged by the international community,” he said. “We have completed our responsibilities and are ready to govern ourselves. “He added
Three UNIFIL troops wounded by roadside bomb
Keep any eye on this. Hezbullah may have decided that they don't want UNIFIL troops in their way anymore. A few more incidents like this and the countries that supply the troops are likely to cut and run. A roadside bomb blew up a UN vehicle near the southern Lebanese port city of Sidon on Monday, wounding at least three peacekeepers, Lebanese security and witnesses said.The nationality of the
roadside bombs,
YES!!! Hamas going broke too!
As 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen arrives in Cairo for an emergency Arab League meeting to shnor (beg) for funds, it turns out that his peace partner in crime, Hamas, is going broke too. Hamas also seems to be facing a financial crisis and, like the Palestinian Authority, has not been able to pay full salaries to its civil servants in the Gaza Strip.Hamas legislator
financial crisis,
OMG: It's Moonbat McKinney on Iranian television
It's too bad that she didn't just stay there.Here's Moonbat Cynthia McKinney on Iranian television in Tehran.Let's go to the videotape.Someone tell me that she will never ever again be elected to any office in the US.
Cynthia McKinney,
Don't look for 'Human Rights Watch' to protest
Don't look for 'Human Rights Watch' to protest against it, but Saudi Arabia has proposed a law that would mandate jail time for criticizing the King, essentially squelching all dissent in the Islamic kingdom. The law would allow prisoners to be held without trial, and trials and appeals to be held secretly, Saudi and international rights advocates said. It would also grant the Interior Ministry
What's wrong with this picture?
Haaretz reports on a tour by six former Israeli diplomats and senior IDF officers who are claiming that the 1949 armistice lines, which were called the 'borders of Auschwitz' by Leftist Foreign Minister Abba Eban, are 'defensible.' What Haaretz doesn't mention, because it would be enough to arouse suspicion in most Israelis, is that the tour is being sponsored by J Street, the group that is
Falsa la foto dell'UFO triangolare belga degli anni 90

La clamorosa rivelazione viene proprio dall'autore della foto in oggetto.
Patrick- questo il nome dell'autore della foto - avrebbe creato il falso il giorno 4 aprile 1990, mentre si trovava nella località di Petit Rechain, vicino a Verviers.
All'epoca del caso, Patrick era un tornitore-riparatore 20enne.
Quella famosa diapositiva, emblema dell'ondata UFO belga, fece immediatamente il giro del mondo. Venne analizzata da esperti scienziati e militari dell'Ecole Royale Militaire Belge, che a quanto pare caddero nel tranello del presunto falso.
La testimonianza del falso, ripresa in diretta dalla emittente televisiva belga RTL TVI, è uscita a galla dopo oltre 20 anni dagli avvistamenti.

Ma non finisce qui. Qualche giorno dopo la diffusione della foto, si creò una psicosi UFO a Liegi, tanto che si organizzò una fantomatica "caccia all'UFO" (naturalmente senza esito), culminata con il sorvolo di caccia militari nella zona che ovviamente non trovarono nulla...perchè l'UFO triangolare del 4 aprile 1990 non esisteva.
Sintesi e traduzione a cura di Antonio De Comite
Nota di Antonio De Comite: oltre vent'anni di certezze buttate al vento da questo signore che dovrebbe essere denunciato, quanto meno, per falso e procurato allarme. Una foto emblematica (anche se non sminuisce l'imponente casistica dell'ondata UFO in Belgio del 1990) che ha ingannato anche scienziati e militari - anche di grosso nome. Gli ufologi seri devono prendere dei grossi provvedimenti contro questi falsi e questi falsari. Non si può restare ancora muti e fermi.
Ufo e Militari,
UFO nella Storia
Hamas executes two 'collaborators'
On the strength of orders issued by Judge Goldstone's favorite court system, the Hamas branch of the PLO executed two 'collaborators' on Tuesday morning. Gaza's Hamas government on Tuesday executed a Palestinian father and son convicted of spying for Israel in defiance of President Mahmoud Abbas, who by law has final say in implementing such rulings.Hamas officials said the men had confessed to
Hamas courts
Donating blood
Mrs. Carl and I spent this morning at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem donating blood for the son of friends (and the son-in-law of other friends - same person) who is undergoing a bone marrow transplant. An hour to get there, an hour to be there, and an hour to get back (traveling by bus - our car has departed this world and we have not yet bought another one).In Israel, the hospitals expect that
blood bank,
Hadassah Hospital,
Pilota russo: "Aeronautica e KGB hanno frammenti di UFO"

E' sempre stata una battagliera in tema UFO, lottando strenuamente contro il muro di censura presente in quei determinati anni nell'ex Unione Sovietica. Tra l'altro, ha scritto alcuni libri sulla tematica tra cui "UFO sul pianeta Terra" pubblicato come prima edizione nel 2003 (ndr inedito in Italia).
Marina Popovich ha fatto parte della Commissione Studio Fenomeni Aerei Anomali presso la prestigiosa Accademia delle Scienze Russa.
Nel 1991 fece scalpore nell'opinione pubblica (ndr dichiarazioni oggi totalmente dimenticate) con delle affermazioni quanto meno intriganti. La Popovich ammise che "le Forze Aeree sovietiche e il KGB hanno a disposizione frammenti di cinque UFO precipitati. Il materiale è stato esaminato scientificamente e si è giunti alla conclusione che non potevano essere stati prodotti sulla Terra, utilizzando semplice tecnologia terrestre".
La Popovich, quindi, affermava che cinque UFO provenienti da altrove si erano schiantati sulla Terra e non erano di fabbricazione umana.
Inoltre, la Popovich elencava i cinque luoghi in cui si erano schiantati gli UFO: Tunguska (territorio di Krasnoyarsk), Novosibirsk, Tallinn (Estonia), Ordzhonikidze (Ossezia del Nord) e Dalnegorsk (territorio di Primorye).
Anche la pluri decorata aviatrice russa è stata testimone di avvistamenti di UFO. Tra cui ricorda quello accaduto nel 1983.
In quell'anno era in escursione sul Pamir con la figlia Oksana (all'epoca quindicenne). Mentre erano in quelle zone, Oksana urla: "Guarda, voltati!".
Sopra la gola di Varzob era presente un oggetto rotondo, stazionario, luminoso.
Andarono quindi nella direzione dell'oggetto. Una volta avvicinatesi videro che l'UFO aveva la forma di un classico "piatto", che in pochi secondi scomparve dietro ad una collina.
Traduzione, adattamento e sintesi a cura di Antonio De Comite
Ufo e Militari
Monday, July 25, 2011
Why Ayalon's video matters
Jonathan Tobin makes an important point about the importance of Danny Ayalon's (seen here shaking hands with Saudi Arabia's Turki al-Faisal who later claimed he didn't shake hands with Ayalon) video. This is from the first link. But for too long, Israel and even most of its defenders in the United States have been so intent on trying to appear reasonable, they have appeared to concede the
Pot calls kettle black
Former 'Palestinian' chief negotiator bottle washer Saeb Erekat takes the prize for chutzpa. Responding to reports that Israel may unilaterally abrogate the Oslo Accords if the 'Palestinians' unilaterally turn to the Security Council, Erekat, who represents an organization that never took a single step to fight terror despite it being the first and foremost obligation of both the Oslo Accords and
Belated Updates
Dear readers,Apologies for the hiatus! It has been a hectic July for me, racing between Singaopore and Sydney for family matters, beginning a fresh semester at school and making it to work on time - phew! To make (blogging) matters worse, the Internet connection at my new apartment isn't up and running yet... well, when it rains, it pours right? and goodness knows it's been raining with no let up
Google+ Chrome Extensions: 5 More Handy Tools
Hurriyet: Palmer report delayed until August 20 to prepare Israeli public for apology
The United Nations has delayed the release of the Palmer Commission report on the Mavi Marmara incident to August 20, and Turkey's Daily Hurriyet is reporting that the delay was requested by Israel to give it time to prepare its public opinion for an apology to Turkey. The third postponement of the release of a U.N. panel’s report on last year’s Mavi Marmara incident came upon a request from
If Breivik is 'Islamophobic' why did he target blonde, blue-eyed Norwegians?
I have not seen anywhere a list of those murdered by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway last Friday. But as I have noted, the mainstream media is playing up this incident as an instance of 'Islamophobia.'Is there a connection between those two sentences? I suspect that there is. I suspect that the reason that the list of those who were murdered has not been released is because there was not a
Oslo bombing,
Utoya massacre
Mani of the Week: WAH-inspired half moons
This week's Mani of the Week has been completely inspired by these WAH designs:
I've been meaning to try one of the nails pens from the Models Own and WAH nails collaboration and this last weekend, I finally got one from Boots. And tried it out doing my own WAH-inspired half moons:
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I've been meaning to try one of the nails pens from the Models Own and WAH nails collaboration and this last weekend, I finally got one from Boots. And tried it out doing my own WAH-inspired half moons:
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mani of the week,
models own
Video: 10 unknown 'West Bank' facts
Here's a new video about the 'West Bank' by StandWithUs, which will teach you why if I use the term 'West Bank' I always put it in scare quotes, along with nine other neat facts about the area... in just two minutes.Let's go to the videotape.
Judea and Samaria
Hamas' new weapons suppliers
Citing 'senior defense officials,' Haaretz reports that weapons smuggling into Gaza has dramatically increased since the Hosni Mubarak was deposed in Egypt (Hat Tip: Barry Rubin). In the past few months, Hamas has acquired improved high-trajectory rockets, ready-made explosive devices, anti-tank missiles and possibly anti-aircraft missiles, the sources told Haaretz.Anti-aircraft missiles could
weapons smuggling
Time is on our side
If it weren't the Three Weeks, I would have opened this post with a video of the Rolling Stones singing Time is on My Side. Because that's the theme of this post. David Goldman, who is best known for his posts as Spengler at Asia Times, cuts through the nonsense and points out that time is on Israel's side, despite what many of our politicians tell us (Hat Tip: Manhattan Dan). The claim that
diplomatic isolation,
More 'Palestinian' than the 'Palestinians'
Ziad J. Asali, the founder of the American Task Force for 'Palestine' lists four reasons why the 'Palestinians' should drop their UN bid (Hat Tip: Soccer Dad). First, the United States indicated unequivocally that it would veto in the Security Council a Palestinian application for U.N. membership, making such membership impossible at this time. Moreover, Congress has sent a strong message that
Turkey mentioned many times in Breivik manifesto
Turkey's Today's Zaman describes Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik as 'obsessed with Turkey' (Hat Tip: Joshua I). There are 237 references to Turks and Turkey in the manifesto, but this number does not take into account the many other references to Ottoman history (written mostly focusing on the state of religious minorities) and the Seljuk Empire. He accuses the Ottoman Turks of
Kurdistan: Is it only a matter of time?
The Jerusalem Post published an editorial on Sunday calling for a Kurdish state. According to prevalent mythology, the international community deems self-determination the natural and inalienable right of each nationality. That, at least, is the pretext for the worldwide clamor for a Palestinian state.Swept aside are reservations about the rather recent origin of claims to a separate Palestinian
A boost for the Islamists
The Norwegian terror attacks have turned into an excuse to beat up on conservative, anti-Islamist bloggers. In a disgraceful piece written this morning, the New York Times all but blames Robert Spencer, Baron Bodissey and Pam Geller for the Oslo attacks. In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of bombing government buildings and killing scores of young people at a
Ayalon reacts to 'Palestinian' condemnation of his video
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon has issued the following statement in response to 'Palestinian' reaction to his video telling the truth about the 'West Bank.' Today (Monday, 25th July 2011), Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon reacted to condemnation by the Palestinian Authority over his video titled 'The Truth About the West Bank'. The Palestinian Authority released an official
BARGAIN OF THE DAY: Dorothy Perkins Scalloped Hem Dress
This gorgeous, simple scalopped hem dress from Dorothy Perkins would be perfect for a summer wedding or even in the office and it is now only £12!! (Down from £50)
Go on, you know you want to!!
bargain hunter,
bargain of the day,
dorothy perkins,
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